HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Political Quote of the Day

From Rush Limbaugh, talking about Sarah Palin's 72% approval rating among Republicans:
“She has 72% approval in Palin in the Gallup poll. Political gurus and pundits — these yapping yammerers all over TV; Palin trashers in the Republican Party; the sordid, looking-down-the-nose, low-wattage elitists — you might call the office here to figure out what’s going on. This is not going to sit well with the elites in the Republican Party, the country club, blue-blood, Rockefeller Republicans. They don’t like her nearly as much as the Democrats don’t like her, but I think this is huge: 72% after a year in which she has been a target of literal political destruction. Folks, I’m just telling you: If there are any of you wimpy, wishy-washy Republicans out there who so desperately want to have a candidate that the sophisticates in the media in Washington and New York approve of, you are guaranteed to secure the Republican Party defeat after defeat after defeat. If you’re going to let them pick our nominee — which happened last time, by the way.”
Mitt Romney, who is being lauded as the front runner for 2012, only has a 56% approval rating while Mike Huckabee is at 59%. I'm not sure if Palin will run in 2012 (I kind of hope she waits until 2016), but whether she does or not, Romney and Huckabee have some work to do if they think they'll beat an incumbent president.


MRedd said...

Republican ticket 2012 = Palin/Romney.

Good common sense and good business sense all on the same ticket.

Rick Moore said...

A couple of problems with that - Romney will never accept 2nd banana after running for the top job 2 elections in a row, and I don't think Palin will run in 2012. She'd be smart to take another 4 years to prepare and run when there's not an incumbent president on the ballot.

MRedd said...

Both good points however Romney will never make it as a stand alone candidate/leader and, after two defeats he recognizes that (much like "joltin joe" Biden). Except for Palin I see few (if any) republican leaders who command approval at her level. If she keeps her high approval, and can surround herself with solid recognizable foreign policy advisors, she can win. Thanks for all you do here Rick.

MRedd said...

I also feel better about Palin with Romney's good business sense behind her.