HolyCoast: Abortion May Be the Only Elective Surgery Covered by Obamacare
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Abortion May Be the Only Elective Surgery Covered by Obamacare

The stated purpose of Obamacare is to reduce costs. Current health plans won't cover elective surgeries that are not medically necessary. 90% of abortions fall into that category, so it would make sense that abortions shouldn't be covered under a cost-saving Obamacare plan either.

Maybe not (from Hot Air):
Here’s a town-hall moment to capture in amber. A constituent asks Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) to explain why ObamaCare will cover abortions when at least 90% of them are not medically necessary — in other words, the kind of elective surgery that insurance plans usually don’t cover. CA-16 is a heavily Democratic district, so Lofgren must have thought that she could tell the truth in an entre-nous sort of way. When she explains that a national health-care system should cover abortion, she gets a surprisingly hostile reception (via Issues and Justice):
(You can see the video here)

Just how liberal is CA-16? They voted for Obama, 69%-28% in November, and if that doesn’t convince you of their leftist bona fides, they went for John Kerry in 2004, 63%-35%. These aren’t exactly fiscal conservatives in the San Jose area, but they apparently don’t much like the notion of paying for someone else’s abortions.

Thankfully, though, Lofgren felt secure enough to admit the truth about the reform plan getting pushed through the House. It’s going to repeal the Hyde Amendment and start supplying federal funds for abortions. She thinks that’s just great. What do you think?
Of course Obamacare will cover abortions. It's the main sacrament of the leftist religion.

And think of the money they'll save by preventing live births and all the health care costs that will result during the child's lifetime.

Obamacare and abortion are a perfect fit.

1 comment:

Bob Hughes said...

What gets me is that the "right" to an abortion was predicated on the "right to privacy" that was somehow discovered in the constitution, explaining that the state had no right to interfere in a medical procedure between a doctor and a patient. You would think that the precious right to privacy would also extend to the health care system at large - that is, the government has no business getting involved.

I must not be a wise Latina.