HolyCoast: Health Care Debate Not Creating Increased Threats to the President
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Health Care Debate Not Creating Increased Threats to the President

The other day there was a story on Drudge about how right wing hate groups were popping up everywhere and threats to Obama were dramatically higher than previous presidents. The source of the story was the Southern Poverty Law Center which has become a one-stop source for all racism stories in the last several years. It's become their bread and butter.

The White House has set the record straight:
There has been no increase in the number of security threats to President Barack Obama despite the contentious town hall meetings taking place around the country, according to the White House.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also said Friday there has been no change in the security precautions.

"We haven't viewed any increase in threats, and there's been no change in any of that," Gibbs said.

Earlier this week, at a town hall in Maryland, a man was detained by the Secret Service for carrying a sign that read "Death to Obama." At the president's town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Tuesday, another man was spotted carrying a gun outside the venue.
You'll notice that there was no mention of the guy with the gun actually being arrested. You know why? Because he didn't break the law.

He was outside the security cordon for Obama and had a legal permit to carry the weapon. He was making a statement, albeit a potentially risky one, about gun rights. The Secret Service kept an eye on him but determined he didn't pose an actual threat. Unfortunately, the left now throws this guy at us as an example of hatred for Obama.

He could have chosen a better way to make his point, but in fact he was in the right regardless of how many lefties get the vapors over it.

The people showing up in anger at the town hall meetings aren't dangerous fanatics looking for a chance to pop a cap at a Democrat. They're citizens who are concerned about the direction the political leadership is taking the country and they've decided to do something about it. Democrats aren't used to this kind of passionate protest against them (they do it to us all the time) and it frankly scares them. They realize how precarious their positions of power might really be, and to Democrats, it's all about power.

They thought they were Superman after 2006 and 2008 but the protesters are showing up with Kryptonite.

1 comment:

Dr. B. said...

I think people are wise enough to realize if anything were to happen to BO -- we would be left with Joe Biden. YIPES!!!