HolyCoast: Hillary: America's Elections Corrupt Just Like Nigeria
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Hillary: America's Elections Corrupt Just Like Nigeria

Still bitter over 2000?
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton compared Nigeria’s corruption and electoral problems with the 2000 Florida presidential election recount during a town hall meeting today in Abuja, Nigeria.

Answering a question about Nigeria’s recent election, Clinton said, “In 2000, our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of the man running for President was the governor of the state. So we have our problems too.”
Well, we now have a president trying to sell socialized medicine via email spam, so while I don't think we were exactly Nigeria in 2000 we're clearly headed there now.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Hillary Clinton is becoming an enormous embarrassment to this country. Her "all about me" moment in the Congo is one instance -- what a sharp change from elegant and disciplined Condi Rice! And now this "we have election problems of our own" -- what would that be? That Jeb Bush was duly elected the governor of Florida? What role did he play in regard to the Florida votes for president? None. Katheline Harris, a Republican, was his Secretary of State for Florida and followed the law to the letter. The Florida courts, dominated by Democrats appointed during earlier administrations, played their role. A subsequent, independent recount of disputed ballots was conducted after the election by newspapers with distinctly left-leaning agendas (such as the Washington Post) and reported finding fewer votes cast for Al Gore, a close but clear win for Bush.

This woman is telling a foreign audience, one not especially well acquainted with our election's particulars: she has the gall to tell this HUGE LIE of omission and then attribute the "problem" to "America." And has the nerve to suggest that it involves voting fraud or nepotism, when her president has CHAMPIONED ACORN, an organization with definite ties to actual voter fraud (registering non-existent people).

And health care? She is herself, of course, an architect of one of the earlier attempts to disenfranchise Americans in attempting to create a dependency on government for access to medical care.

Yes! The Nigerians were seeing American election corruption! They were looking directly into the face of it. The corrupt politician was the one haranguing them. And my guess -- Nigeria has seen plenty of corruption -- my guess is that they recognized who the real liar is. They've seen that look on someone's face before, many times. They're very familiar with it. That petty tyrant look.