HolyCoast: Steele Snickers at Snarlin' Arlen
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Friday, August 14, 2009

Steele Snickers at Snarlin' Arlen

Michael Steele, head of the Republican National Committee, is enjoying the travails suffered by turncoat Sen. Arlen Specter:
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele burst out laughing Wednesday after watching a clip of Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) insisting that the town hall protesters are “not necessarily representative of America.”

Asked to respond to the clip during an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Steele had to gather himself just to answer the question.

“I’m sorry, I’m laughing, I’m sorry,” Steele said as he tried to respond to Specter.

“Not representative of America? Well, then who are they representative of?” Steele asked. “This is part of the craziness that we’re hearing from the left on this issue. They’re trying to obfuscate the fact that the American people ticked off, as one of the participants said yesterday, and they’re very concerned.”

I have to admit, I'm rather enjoying it myself.

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