HolyCoast: How's That Party Change Working Out For You, Senator Specter?
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

How's That Party Change Working Out For You, Senator Specter?

Snarlin' Arlen may have party-changed his way out of a seat in the Senate:
Uncomfortable town hall meetings are just the tip of the iceberg for Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. He now trails Republican Pat Toomey by double digits in his bid for reelection next year and is viewed unfavorably by a majority of the state’s voters.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Pennsylvania voters shows 48% would vote for Toomey if the election were held today. Just 36% would vote for Specter while four percent (4%) prefer a third option, and 12% are not sure.

These figures reflect a dramatic reversal since June. At that time, before the public health care debate began, Specter led Toomey by eleven.
Specter, former RINO and current Democrat (I know, same thing) switched parties to save his seat. He didn't think he'd survive another primary challenge from Toomey and made the jump to the Democrat party in hopes of having a clear field in the primary and a win in November. Not gonna happen.

His Democrat primary challenger is rapidly catching up, and could easily beat him if the Democrats of Pennsylvania don't like Specter's chances in November.

1 comment:

Robb said...

Hmm, I wonder if Rick Santorum still supports him…