HolyCoast: Snarlin' Arlen: The Town Hall Protesters Are Not Representative of America
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Snarlin' Arlen: The Town Hall Protesters Are Not Representative of America

Yeah, this will help him a lot in his election bid next year:
Democratic Senator Arlen Specter said in an interview on “This Week” that he supports American’s right to organize, but warned that recent town hall ruckus from critics of the Democrats' health care proposals are not representative of the public's view on the issue.

“I think we have to bear in mind, that although those people need to be heard and have a right to be heard, that they are not really representative of America in my opinion,” Specter said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“We have to be careful here not to let those town meetings make the scene that influences what we do on health policy.”
Sorry Arlen, but the polls would indicate otherwise. With 54% of the people now saying that passing no bill would be better than passing Obamacare, I'd say those angry folks are very representative of America.

Last week on Fox News Sunday Charles Krauthammer, who I rarely disagree with, criticized the town hall protesters and claimed that they were actually hurting the cause by giving the Dems and the media a chance to change the subject from the health care proposal to the angry "mobs". This morning, he admitted he was wrong. The protesters have changed the bill and pretty much stopped the public option in its tracks.

That's what happens when real Americans act on their passions about a particular issue.


Ann's New Friend said...

Arlen Spector is a fine one to talk about "representation."

Ah em!

Didn't he "represent" one group, and then change his "representation" to another?

Group A being the ones who voted for him; Group B being the ones he thought might vote for him after he had p***sssd-off (excuse me) "annoyed" Group A?

Wonder who he will be representing next? His very solo, private-citizenly, quantumly singular self?

Dr, B, said...

Love the title - Snarlin' Arlen!! His remarks just indicate how out of touch he is with the people he pretends to represent. And, lets not forget, first Arlen was a Dem, then he changed to a Rep, now he is only changing back to what he has been all along. But, he is STILL not listening!!