HolyCoast: ACORN's Third Strike
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Monday, September 14, 2009

ACORN's Third Strike

Unfortunately, in Democrat politics three strikes doesn't mean you're out, but it certainly doesn't help. James O'Keefe, after being blasted by ACORN all weekend for his sting videos in Baltimore and Washington D.C. where helpful ACORN staff counseled him on how to get loans to run his brothel and avoid taxes on prostitution income, releases a third video from Brooklyn. At what point do "isolated instances" become "institutional problems"?

His first two videos resulted in ACORN losing their deal with the Census Bureau. How many more are needed to kill their funding from HUD?

UPDATE: Here's the story from the New York Post:
The scandal surrounding the left-wing activist organization ACORN has spread to New York, with employees at its Brooklyn office caught on video helping supposed ladies of the night get loans for their dream houses of ill repute.

Rather than reminding the women that prostitution is dangerous and illegal and advising them to change their careers, counselors at the social-services group shockingly offer suggestions on how they can launder their earnings.

"Honesty is not going to get you the house," a loan counselor at the offices told two activists posing as a mortgage-seeking pimp and prostitute.

"You can't say what you do for a living."

ACORN workers in two other cities, Baltimore and Washington, DC, had already fallen hooker, line and sinker for the hidden-camera sting operation by two conservative activists.

Four ACORN employees have been fired as a result of the earlier videos, and last Friday the Census Bureau severed its ties with the group, whose members had been hired to do canvassing during the 2010 census.

In an unrelated outrage, ACORN was accused of widespread voter fraud during the 2008 presidential election by helping unqualified voters to register.

As in prior videos released by the filmmaking team of James O'Keefe, 25, and Hannah Giles, 20, employees of the group -- which specializes in housing and voter activism -- were
eager to dispense advice on gaming the system and skirting the law.

"You know, what goes on in the house we don't care," one counselor said. "We just help you with the mortgage."

O'Keefe and Giles were garishly dressed as a stereotypical pimp and prostitute. O'Keefe was decked out in excessively snazzy flesh-peddler couture, and Giles, going by the name "Eden," wore almost nothing.

The ACORN workers were not the slightest bit judgmental or put off by the request for help in getting financing for a brothel.

There's more here.

I gotta tell you, if a couple of white folks walked into my office dressed like the two above I probably would have laughed them out of there. You certainly can't accuse O'Keefe and Giles of understatement. They're almost a Saturday Night Live routine.

I also love the way they've strung out their video releases, each time giving ACORN just enough time to hang themselves with statements about the previous release. If they had dumped all their videos on the first day ACORN would have looked bad, but it might have only been a one or two day story as the mainstream press did their best to bury it.

However, they released the Baltimore video which was followed by angry accusations from ACORN and assurances that this had been tried in other cities and rebuffed.

Then came the Washington D.C. video and the Census Bureau dumped them.

Now, after a weekend has past with more angry racism charges from ACORN, here comes the Brooklyn video

I can't help but wonder how many more of these they might have.

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

The question is: what will Maryland do about the awful crimes O'Keeffe committed there?

My guess: the same thing they do about the nude whore races at the truck stop in Jessup.