HolyCoast: Guy Hiding in a Cave Calls Obama "Powerless"
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Guy Hiding in a Cave Calls Obama "Powerless"

Osama bin Laden pipes up again:
Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden described President Barack Obama as "powerless" to stop the war in Afghanistan, and Americans' inability to grasp why the Sept. 11 attacks occurred has "cost you a lot without any result whatsoever."

The remarks by the terrorist leader were released two days after the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that he ordered. Bin Laden typically addresses the American people in a message timed around the Sept. 11 anniversary.

Bin Laden, who is believed to be hiding in the mountainous region along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, said current White House officials are merely following the strategy of former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney to "promote the previous policies of fear to market the interest of big companies."

"Rather than fighting to liberate Iraq — as Bush claimed — it (the White House) should have been liberated," he said.

When Barack Obama became president and retained many of the Bush administration's military leaders, such as Defense Secretary Robert Gates, "reasonable people knew that Obama is a powerless man who will not be able to end the war as he promised," bin Laden said.

"If you end the war, so to it," bin Laden said. "But if it is otherwise, all we will do is continue the war of attrition against you on all possible axes."

Apparently he has a fax machine in his cave, because with the exception of the Obama crack, he has the Democrat talking points down cold.

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