HolyCoast: Economic Headlines of the Day
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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Economic Headlines of the Day

From Drudge:
UN wants new global currency to replace dollar...
China alarmed by US money printing...
Switzerland topples America as most competitive economy...
Obama Asks Senate To Increase Debt Ceiling...
If I were Home Depot I'd stock up on wheelbarrows. People will need something to carry their currency in.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Growing up over the years I've talked with a lot of Foreign Missionaries who said people in some of the foreign countries actually would have to use a wheelbarrow to carry their money in when they went shopping. Their money had been so devalued that it was worth almost nothing. I never expected to see the day when this might happen here in America, but now I can see things changing so fast that I don't think it will be that long and we just may be in the same situation as many of these foreigners. It's almost beyond comprehension to see what our National Debt is, and the present administration doesn't hesitate to have more money printed and see our debt go higher and higher. I saw on the news today where Obama is asking the Senate to raise the debt limits higher. If China should ever start calling in some of our debt to them, we most likely will be known as the United States of China.