HolyCoast: GOP Doing Very Well in Governor's Races
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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

GOP Doing Very Well in Governor's Races

There are two key governor's races this fall - New Jersey and Virginia, and according to the latest polls the GOP has double-digit leads on both Democrat candidates (from The Corner):
Bob McDonnell leads Creigh Deeds 54–42 in the latest Survey USA poll of Virginia voters. He’s even with Deeds in Northern Virgina and beats him strongly elsewhere. In New Jersey, Quinnipiac puts Christopher Cristie up 47–37 over incumbent Gov. John Corzine. The former wins rural areas and the suburbs, the latter wins urban cores, and the two are bitterly contesting the Philadelphia metro.
Yes, Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania, but that market area also covers southern New Jersey.

Losses for the Democrats in these races, and especially if they come by large margins, could be a very serious warning for Democrats. Both seats are currently held by Democrats and have been held by Democrats for several terms, and would have been expected to be retained by the Dems in a normal year.

However, Obama, the liberal wing of the Democrat party, and all the special interests pushing Obamacare, cap-and-tax, the bloated stimulus and other controversial issues have guaranteed that this will not be a normal year. I look for the GOP to take both of these seats, though the margins will likely not be as big as they are now.

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