HolyCoast: Favorite Van Jones Headlines of the Day
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Favorite Van Jones Headlines of the Day

There are some creative headline writers out there:
Van Goes - Mark Halperin

Bus Overtakes Van As Jones Loses WH Parking Spot - Dan Riehl
Of course, I liked mine too:
Van Jones Decides to Spend More Time With His Family
And then there's this shocker for New York Times readers:
White House Adviser on ‘Green Jobs’ Resigns
It's a shocker because this is the Times first mention of this story despite several days of controversy. Anyone who relies solely on the Times for their news will be mystified by this story since they're getting only a whitewashed version of the story days after it began.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Finally, Jones was thrown under the Obama bus. This is no great loss for the U.S., only a step forward. I would imagine there might be more in the Obama administration which could be thrown under his bus.