HolyCoast: Political Quote of the Day
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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Political Quote of the Day

From retired baseball star Curt Schilling, who is now considering a run for Ted Kennedy's senate seat (h/t Don Surber):
Schilling: “I’m pro-life (with exception to rape, incest or terminal consequences to mom or child during birth) and against Gay marriage. However, let me be very clear on both of those issues. Those issues are so far beyond the scope or responsibility of one person to legislate it’s laughable. The state you reside in should be the body that determines BOTH of those laws. Because I’m pro-life should have nothing to do with your belief or your opinion. The constituents you work for should be the people that decide those laws in the state they live in, period.”

And, he wrote: “I am absolutely for the 2nd Amendment. But I also think this country has become so beholden to special interest and lobbyists that we have completely sacrificed the safety and well being of the individual American citizen. Why should our Police Officers have to worry about automatic weapons? What logically thinking human would think it’s ok that a ‘citizen’ to carry a weapon capable of discharging 1000 rounds a minute? I understand one thing, that’s big business, and big business is what we’ve allowed to take over in far too many places and in far to many areas that the people need to take back. I also think we need to put some ground rules out there as it pertains to rights here. Commit a felony? Sorry, you have no right to EVER bear arms.”
There's more in the Boston Herald story.

He may be too conservative to win in Massachusetts, but I like his policies. After decades of hard liberalism of Kennedy and John Kerry, maybe the state is ready for a little balance.

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