HolyCoast: Incomparably Stupid Article of the Day
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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Incomparably Stupid Article of the Day

If you don't like Obama, you're just like the people who killed JFK:
That being John F. Kennedy, who was gunned down in Dallas, of course.

I've been thinking a lot of Kennedy and Dallas as I've watched the increasingly violent rhetorical attacks on Obama be unfurled. As Americans yank their kids of class in order to save them from being exposed to the President of the United States who only wanted to urge them to excel in the classroom. And as unvarnished hate and name-calling passed for health care 'debate' this summer.

The radical right, aided by a GOP Noise Machine that positively dwarfs what existed in 1963, has turned demonizing Obama--making him into a vile object of disgust--into a crusade. It's a demented national jihad, the likes of which this country has not seen in modern times.

But I've been thinking about Dallas in 1963 because I've been recalling the history and how that city stood as an outpost for the radical right, which never tried to hide its contempt for the New England Democrat.

Now, in this this month's Vanity Fair, Sam Kashner offers up in rich detail the hatred that ran wild in Dallas in 1963. To me, the similarity between Dallas in 1963 and today's unhinged Obama hate is downright chilling.
Geez, what a steaming load that is.

The writer conveniently ignores the fact that the guy who killed JFK was a leftist commie-wannabe who tried to defect to Russia and was kicked out.

And go back and read accounts of the motorcade prior to the shooting in Dealy Plaza. Dallas turned out in big numbers to cheer for the president. One nutcase ruined what was almost a parade of triumphal entry proportions.

If the article is not bad enough, look at the first comment:
There is an group of republican leaders who, with their media-mouthpiece overlords are attempting to incite one of their minions to make an attempt on the chief executive's life. That is their goal, a successful attempt.
There you go. If you oppose Obama's policies, you really just want to assassinate him.

Obama has more to fear from the lefties than us.

Mark Hemingway has two more examples of idiot lefties promoting this same notion that evil rightwingers killed JFK. And Jonah Goldberg has more on the development of this myth.

1 comment:

OldLuckyDog said...

The outrageous comments of the Left-wing wackos in this country boggle the mind! It is like they aspire to write the opposite of the truth, no matter how ridiculous that may be! Rick, your comments are right on! The truth is a bitter pill for Lefties to swallow...President Kennedy was killed by one of your own, a left-wing, Communist-loving, America-hating misfit! President Kennedy was warmly embraced that day as evidenced by the huge turnout of people all along the motorcade route.
As for Obama, I would suggest that most of the Right-Wing do not "hate" President Obama, but rather, despise his policies and his inner-spite of traditional America. He is NOT what Americans want their Leader to be. He is dangerous for America AND the world. If you do not believe that, hang around and watch where his policies and leadership takes us.

Liberal, left-wing, America-hating ideology has been exposed for what it is: Empty of positive ideas, confused policy, deceptive propaganda and misleading half-truths. The American people just have to be reminded of this every twenty years or so to rekindle the spite they have for this type of garbage. Consider the spite rekindled.