HolyCoast: New School Movement - Give Your Kids a Sick Day September 8th
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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New School Movement - Give Your Kids a Sick Day September 8th

UPDATE: Text of speech here.

I noticed a new Facebook group that encourages parents who have concerns about Obama's planned September 8th speech to school children to keep their kids home that day. Call in sick.

Out here that could be a problem because for some school districts, like the Capistrano Valley Unified School District, that's the first day of school. Other districts like the Saddleback Valley Unified School District don't start until September 10th, but as I said in the previous post it wouldn't surprise me if they replay the speech.

I don't have kids in elementary school anymore, so I guess I don't have a dog in this fight. Each parent will have to judge for themselves the downside of missing a school day versus the downside of missing Obama's speech.

Vinnie at the Jawa Report has this advice:
Oh, come on. Are you that insecure as a parent that you don't feel capable of countering Obama's message with your own? Do you think that your kid is that stupid, or that you failed so bad that you made your kid that stupid, that you think he or she will just suck up Obama's speech and turn into a Ohitler Youth overnight?

Sorry, but my kids are going to school on September 8th. And I will be sending them there with a reminder that to the best way to tell if President Obama is lying is if his lips are moving.
Works for me.


Sandra said...

I disagree with Vinnie.

I don't want the minds of my children poisoned, no matter what kind of anti-venom I've sent them to school with. My children are smart, know our family's stance, but still don't need subjected to leftist agendas and "how can I help the president" questionairres. I'm not hiding Otard's ignorance and attempt at recruiting little people to pay him homage, I'm protecting my children from a poison that needs cured in America immediately.

Anonymous said...

My kids are smart. But in our country we still have some liberty left and I am going to take atvantage of it to make a statement that my kids aren't up for grabs!

jan said...

My high schooler is very conservative and stands up quite well for his positions in his history classes at school, as do a friend or 2 of his. If he is "forced" to sit and listen to the jerk spew his ugly socialism then these kids will be even more equipped to state their facts based on this raw data, as ugly as it gets. They can make some convincing arguments, even at their young age. I suppose it helps that we talk about it at home as well :).

jan said...

ooops = just realized this propaganda speech is for elem age only - parents need to step up to the plate and counteract with the socialist antidote whether they send their kids to school or not that day. This is a cancer that is not superficial. It is pulling us ALL in.

Anonymous said...

Keep your children out of school as a protest against the politization of our schools.

jan said...

It's classic narcissistic behavior for this jerk. He is not getting enough attention at home I guess.

Desert Man said...

Shades of "Hitlerism" at work here trying to get the minds of the youth!

Ann's New Friend said...

Vinnie's question is: "Oh, come on. Are you that insecure as a parent that you don't feel capable of countering Obama's message with your own?"

But Vinnie doesn't understand the problem. My kid, yes, knows full well how we feel about Obama. And I haven't slandered the president. I respect my kids' intelligence enough to share my reasons, my evidence, since I'm trying to raise rational thinkers.

The problem, for me, is that my school age child goes to school in a big rah rah Dem district. It's not Obama's remarks that worry me. My worries are much closer to home -- what kinds of pressures will teachers put on kids? -- what kind of peer pressure will my kid feel from other children, those kids whose parents LOVE to label themselves, "liberal," "progressive"?

The husband says we need a Republican of stature to insist that the schools follow the pattern now enshined for the Saturday presidential radio address: there should be a Republican response that is also broadcast in the schools and Republican designed "lesson plans" to go with the GOP message.

And if the schools refuse to air both sides equally, a law suit should follow.


lewArcher said...

Shouldn’t the GOP have a right to address our kids too? Maybe Sarah and Bristol could do a teen pregnancy pitch?

Anonymous said...

Well, I believe the hype about Obama's speech is just jealousy that is becoming quite evident with the far right. If President Bush had wanted to give a speech to the kids about the importance of staying in school and getting a good education, he would have been glorified. And I am sure the democrats would have whined, but to keep your kids out of school because this action is close to nazism...well, that seems a bit drastic. I think the far right is upset that they didn't think of it first.

Rick Moore said...

Nice try, Anonymous, but if George W. Bush had wanted to give a speech to America's schoolchildren he would not have been glorified at all. The NEA, other teacher's unions and many school administrators would have blasted him and refused to air the speech.

You really need to pay more attention.

Anonymous said...

George H.W. made a speech to students back in the 1991. I don't recall any so called unions and others making a big fuss about it.


By the way, Minnesota Association of School Administrators suggested taping the speech and then deciding whether or not to show it to students.

You really need to pay more attention.

Rick Moore said...

This is too easy. #1 the political environment has changed dramatically since 1991. Observant people would know that.

#2 I said if George W. Bush wanted to make such a speech the unions would go nuts. George W. is a different person than George H.W. Again, observant people would know that.

I'm not the one who needs to pay more attention.

And thanks for courageously putting your name on your comment.

Oh, never mind. You didn't do that.

DD said...

You people are NUTS, just plain NUTS!! I am embarrassed to be from the same place as you! Do you even know what socialism is? Ever been to Sweden? France? I doubt it. You probably don't even have passports. Sooo glad my kids will be out of this backwards, redneck area by the time they are in elementary school. I sure am glad also that I won't have to associate with nutbags like you on the school grounds. You should be ashamed of your utter stupidity.

Rick Moore said...

Time for your meds, DD. You're going to blow an artery.

Dawn said...


You are worried because your son goes to school in a "Dem" district? Can't he stand up and have his own beliefs? And, GASP!, what if one day he disagrees with yours! lol. My kids go to school in a Republican, wacko Christian district. They don't have political beliefs yet...they are too little. But my goodness, I am not worried about political peer pressure. I'm worried about pressure to do drugs, have sex, cut class, etc. Get a life!

DD said...

Rick, I think it's time for you and your ilk to take yours. You are seriously batsh*t insane if you think Obama is starting some sort of Hitler youth! Do you have no respect for the office of the President at all? Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Most of the comments made here sound absolutely insane. Have any of you even read the Obama speech? It's about the importance of staying in school and getting a good education. That should be important for all our children, whether their parents are Democrats or Republicans. There is nothing political or socialistic about this and I can not understand why you are saying these terrible things. I can only believe that there are deep seated racist feelings here and I think you should all really think about this. Maybe you should read the speech before you form your opinions.

Rick Moore said...

Anon - all of the comments above yours were made before the text of the speech was released, so there was no way to read it before they chose to comment.

Secondly, every criticism of Obama is deemed racist by his supporters, and that has become the oldest trick in the book. Crying racist every time someone disagrees with Obama is intellectually dishonest. Nobody I know gives a rat's behind what color he is - they oppose him because of his socialist policies.

Anonymous said...

Your probably right Rick, the previous comments regarding Obama's speech were likely made before the writers knew what they were speaking about. They just assumed. I commented after I had read the speech. Humm... And regarding the motivations of these writers, who wrote without knowledge but instead based on their beliefs, perhaps it has nothing to do with his race. Perhaps they truly believe that the President of the USA is trying to "poison" our children with his "ugly socialism" and "Hilterism" techniques. But that leads me be to the next conclusion that these writers are ignorant of what socialism is or what Hilter actually did. I also assume that most of these writers will accept Medicare when they qualify, but would not call this socialism. Again, I see no rational explanation to the vile comments placed here but simple hatred.