HolyCoast: Obama's School Speech Text
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Monday, September 07, 2009

Obama's School Speech Text

The White House has released the planned remarks for tomorrow's school speech. It seems awfully long to keep the attention of elementary kids, but we know how Obama loves to use lots of words to say very little.

It seems to go pretty much hand-in-hand with my prediction from the other day:
My prediction - it will be the most boring, pedantic speech of his presidency. The controversy that has attended this will have scared the White House into taking anything remotely controversial out of the speech and we'll basically end up with "stay in school, don't do drugs", plus another 10,000 words of puffery that won't mean anything.
Drudge is having a little fun with it:
'I hope you'll all wash your hands a lot'...
'I'm working hard to fix up your classrooms'...
'Protect our environment'...
'There were times when I was lonely and felt like I didn't fit in'...

Now we sit back and wait for the reactions.

UPDATE: Facebook friend Bob Finch wrote this comment:
First, I ran the speech through MS Word's reading ease tool. It falls at grade level 6.7 and is aimed at the average 12-year-old for "Reading Ease."

I know this speech surely has been sanitized since the opposition to it started, but the one particular tidbit that riles me is the line, "fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free." The speechwriters kept the whole thing at 98% active sentences, which are more persuasive, but they couldn't avoid keeping this bit of poorly-masked Marxist drivel in it.

It makes me wonder how awful it would have been had it stayed under the Conservative radar.
I would argue that you can't make the nation more fair while making it more free. Making it "more fair" means putting in regulations and restrictions that are designed to take away from one group while rewarding another. Somebody's going to lose freedom in the process.

Sure, we want people to play by the rules, so some regulation and restrictions are required. However, Obama has long said that one of his goals was to "return the nation's wealth to its rightful owners". I'm afraid his definition of "fair" is probably quite different than mine.


Linda said...

Keep the government out of our families. We want less government, not more, involvement.

They were hired to protect us and our nation, but we need to be protected from them.

Linda said...

The link didn't work.

Linda said...


Here is the link to the speech.

Ann's New Friend said...

I think we SHOULD fight poverty and homelessness. And the first thing we should do to fight both these evils is to send Mister Obama back to private life. I mean look what wonders he's done for the economy in just nine months!

To paraphrase that dear man, that great good man whose name I need not even mention, are you better off than you were 9 months ago? Oh goodness, no!

Send this one packing ASAP and it'll do wonders to prevent homelessness and poverty! Believe me!

Ann's New Friend said...

I'm reading the school speech now --it's funny how different it sounds when you know the behind-the-scenes stuff on this guy.

"You'll need the knowldege and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS...."

Or not, once Ezekiel Emanuel's rationing eliminates whole groups of hard-to-treat illnesses from the "health care" menu.

"You'll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free."

And these same "skills" that students gain from the modern version of "history" will no doubt aid you in not realizing that the nation's news media are not covering all kinds of embarrassing actions of a certain modern president.

"...[I]f you quit on school, you're not just quitting on yourself, you're quitting on your country."

How will we be able to indoctrinate you in a whole bunch of left-wing propaganda if you absent yourself from our liberals-only-need-apply schools?!

"My father left my family when I was two years old."

And that's why I wrote a "Father's Day" piece for Parade Magazine urging the nation's dads not to be dead-beats. Yeah, nobody told me that Father's Day was designed to CELEBRATE fathers. I just figure that my life is the template of all lives. My dad was a jerk, so yours must be too!

"My wife, our First Lady Michelle Obama ...."

My wife, Her Majesty the Queen ....

"Maybe some of you don't have adults in your life who give you the support you need."

As I said, I covered this topic in a Parade Magazine article for Father's Day.

"If you get in trouble it doesn't mean you're a trouble maker....

Maybe you're just getting ready to found a terrorist organization! You too might host the debut of a communist presidential hopeful in your rich man's living room after a long successful career in education!

"No one is born being good at things ...."

Look at me, I'm still not good for anything, and I'm president!

"Don't be afraid to ask questions ...."

Just don't embarrass me getting me off my game, getting me talking about "spreading the wealth around...." None of you kids are thinking of being plumbers when you grow up, I hope ....

"So, don't let us down."

Dutifully execute every embedded command in this speech of mine -- or I might have to frown and get stern!

"[A]nd God Bless America"

For those of you stupid enough to believe in God. Cause American just sucks.

LewArcher said...

Ah, more projection from ann.

I wonder what ann was thinking in 1982 as the economy really tanked.
That is was all Reagan's fault.

No, she'd be blaming Carter.

Ann's husband must be a saint.

LewArcher said...

UPDATE: Facebook friend Bob Finch wrote this comment:
First, I ran the speech through MS Word's reading ease tool. It falls at grade level 6.7 and is aimed at the average 12-year-old for "Reading Ease."

Well, do the same to President George Bush's 1991 speech to eighth graders at Alice Deal Junior High School in Washington, DC and get the result 5.5


Ann's New Friend said...

Nice to see you too, Lew.

You're right. Ann's husband is a saint.

And your president is a communist. Or have I been "projecting" Ayers, Wright, Van Jones, Holdren, Ezekiel Emanuel, Jennings, Rezko, al Mansour, -- geeze -- have I forgotten anyone?

Probably all just a big coincidence.

Michael Smith said...

Lew -

You miss the point. At least Bush's speach could be understood by the intended audience. If Ubumma is speaking to grades K-6, Shouldn't the speach be on a lower grade level, so the audience will understand it?

LewArcher said...

Dopey Ann.
You forgot Marx and Lennon.
It's a simple fate.

LewArcher said...

Michael, look up the facts.
President Obama is speaking to high schoolers, 9th thru 12th graders.

What you say of Abraham Lincoln, whose Gettysburg Address comes in at 10.9?
He was speaking to adults; eg. governors, cabinet members etc.
Do you wonder if the speach was too simple for them?

london said...

what you think about obama's speech????????
i think its pretty stuff..

Ann's New Friend said...

You're an intellectual coward, Lew. If you can defend those of my list, do so. Otherwise, don't bore people with cutsy "Marx and Lennon" quips.

The record is out there, and some of us are doing our homework -- only it's not the homework that our School Marm in Chief wants us doing, is it?

His good little liberals aren't doing their homework -- they ain't making the New York Times best sellers list either, I notice.

Anonymous said...

-PLUS- Obama is an Arab you know, and he is out to steal all your guns, so that he can put all republicans up against death panels and I'm pretty sure he's put something in that fluoridated water. Staying in school, doing well and helping your neighbors are all Marxist plots.And funding for manned flight to Mars is only so that they can shoot Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz out there...

Michael Smith said...

Lew -

Perhaps you need to review the facts. He may have been speaking at a high school, but the speach was broadcast to grade schoolers too. And that was always the intent (see original Dept. of Education lesson plans). Certain grade schools may not have covered the speach, including the grade schools that my kids go to, but it was broadcast to grade schools.

And as a historical fact, most in attendance did not care to hear Lincoln speak, and he was only invited as an afterthought. It was not until the speach was published in the next day's paper and people read what he said, that they realized the simple brilliance of it.

LewArcher said...

You're an intellectual coward, Lew
Well, if you're doing your homework, why don't you read up on your shirted hero, Ronald Reagan.
Who did he bring us?
The clowns at the Education Department (run by Terrell Bell) who talked about Martin Lucifer Coon.
Jeane Kirkpatrick, who condoned the rape and murders of nuns.
Alexander Haig, who lied and joked about the rapes and murders.
Ernest Lefever, who condoned the murder of those religious people who worked with the poor in Central America.
And then in Aug 1982, Reagan has his envoy to the Middle East, Phillip Habib, promise the PLO that if they left Beirut, the US would guarantee the safety of the Palestinian civilians left behind.
A month later, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) financed and trained by the US, let loose their Lebanese allies, the Phalange, in the Palestinian refugee camps (Sabra and Shatila) They massacred 2,000 civilians.

Did ann ever decry this?
Would ann ever decry this?
Only if you switched the name Obama with Reagan.
Otherwise, the end justifies the means in ann's world.
She probably rationalizes Reagan's pledge to the pro-life forces, gathered in Lafayette park on the subzero day in January 1985.
From the warmth of the White House Reagan said:
"I stand with you in your opposition to abortion."

Had Reagan pursued abortion as fervently as he pursued the Soviet Union, it would be illegal now. We would not see 90% of fetuses diagnosed with Down's Syndrome aborted.

But he didn't. He was weak, or he didn't care.

Rick writesGuaranteed to make you think, make you laugh, or make you mad. I'm happy with any of the three.
And I do all three when I read holycoast.

You do neither ann.
You read like a grouch, but not a funny one like Oscar. As I wrote before, your husband is a saint if you talk to him the way you write here and on your blog.
I don't know, maybe your manic/depressive.
Cindy Sheehan has an excuse for her behaviour.
Her son died in a war of dubious origins, and his mission was mocked by his commander-in-chief.

Ann's New Friend said...

What happened to your quoting skills, Lew? My how you slander people with such a broad brush and so indiscriminantly when it suits your purpose.

Looks like it was a big ouchie.

And, ironically, you don't appreciate what conservatives writing here at Holycoast are trying to do for you, Lew.

But don't blame me if your side wins and Obama tells you to "take an aspirin" -- when it's time for your end of life counseling you might want to change that aspirin to a vodka neat and then a double.

LewArcher said...

Tia Maria
and Gran Marnier
When I ordered them, one after another, the bartender cautioned me,"Sir, you make yourself sick"

But not so sick to see that you side with your shirted idol, who closed his mouth when nuns were raped and murdered, when a couple thousand defenseless people were massacred after he pledged to protect them, and who did not stop abortion.

But the end justifies the means.

Ann's New Friend said...

Lew, The only authority we have for your account of whichever Republican you're slandering in your opacity is you.

This is one for the couch, Lew. You report to the shrink or the pastor for this call, Lew. Otherwise, all I can add is that I have no idea what you're ranting about.

I get the gist, though. You are holy and we are not.