HolyCoast: No Thanks, CNN
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Friday, September 11, 2009

No Thanks, CNN

James O'Keefe, the intrepid video journalist who taped two different ACORN offices as they tried to help him with tax avoidance and loans for his brothel business. So far only Fox News has broadcast the actual footage he shot in the Baltimore and Washington D.C. ACORN offices, but CNN wants a piece of him. Here's his response:
So far CNN has only reported on the breaking story on blatant ACORN CORRUPTION from angles that attempt to extricate the government funded “community organizing” enterprise from the extreme crime we caught on videotape.

First CNN pushed the false ACORN line that “[t]his film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed.”

To set that record straight please check the Washington D.C. tape we dropped today at BigGovernment.com, which is also being aired on your cable news competitor with curiously higher ratings.

Now that ACORN lied to you, Jonathan Klein, what are you going to do?

Here’s what I have noticed from your coverage: You brought in the damage control crowd to FRAME the story. Before even airing our damning Baltimore video. You know your audience would turn on ACORN if you showed them the evidence. So instead you put your competitors in journalism in the crosshairs instead of airing a blockbuster report making massive waves elsewhere.

You even trotted out shameless Clinton era apologist Joe Conason to challenge the ETHICS of our expose. Unreal.

What about the ethics of those at ACORN caught on tape trying to help create a brothel featuring illegal immigrant age range 13-15 from El Salvador?

What about the countless laws broken on tape from a group that stands to get billions from President Obama’s “stimulus” package?

Why don’t we wait to have the Columbia Journalism School debate on “journalistic ethics” after you do actual journalism.

When you air the raw ACORN footage that is now viral on the Internet, and being played on FOX NEWS and countless talk radio shows, then and only then — when America can see, hear and smell the stench we have exposed — will I subject myself to a CNN hit job.
Heh - good stuff. CNN was already a joke today because of their mishandling of the Coast Guard training exercise, and this doesn't help.

1 comment:

Desert Man said...

I get so tired of hearing all this crap of interjecting RACE into various news items. In legal circles this is nothing less than trying to throw out a "red herring" as some people may believe it. Anyone with half a brain would reject CNN's reporting on this story.