HolyCoast: Obama Green Jobs Czar - Former Communist and Current Truther
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Obama Green Jobs Czar - Former Communist and Current Truther

How long until this guy ends up under Obama's bus:
President Obama's "green jobs" adviser could become a mounting liability for the Obama administration, as the latest revelation about Van Jones shows his belief that the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks could have been an inside job.

Jones joined the "9/11 truther" movement by signing a statement in 2004 calling for then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and others to launch an investigation into evidence that suggests "people within the current administration may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war."

The statement asked a series of critical questions hinting at Bush administration involvement in the attacks and called for "deeper inquiry." It was also signed by former Rep. Cynthia McKinney and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans.

The discovery comes after Jones had to apologize Wednesday night for "offensive words" he uttered in February when he called Republicans "assholes." He said the remarks "do not reflect the views of this administration" and its bipartisan aims.

But such statements just scratch the surface of Jones' past commentary.

He also has consistently leaned on racially charged language, pointing the finger at "white polluters and the white environmentalists" for "steering poison" to minority communities, as he makes the case for lifting up low-income and minority communities with better environmental policy.

A declared "communist" during the 1990s, Jones once associated with a group that looked to Mao Zedong as an inspiration.

Stop and think about that last paragraph. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and communism was dying throughout the world. As everyone was running to freedom this guy was running back into communism. He's clearly not very bright.

I don't think he'll be around long.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

This guy has got to be dumber than a skunk. It's amazing how Obama has surrounded himself with people of such low esteem. This type we don't need holding positions of authority in government. I would hope it isn't too long before he get's thrown under the Obama Bus.