HolyCoast: Obama: It's Not About Race
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Obama: It's Not About Race

It's about time he said something about this:
President Barack Obama said Friday that angry criticisms about his health care agenda are driven by an intense debate over the proper role of government — and not by racism.

"Are there people out there who don't like me because of race? I'm sure there are," Obama told CNN. "That's not the overriding issue here."

Of course, that last qualifying sentence gives his supporters the open door to continue to allege racism about specific people if it serves their purposes.


lewArcher said...

This is funny.
The conservatives and Republicans do racist things and when called on it, complain they are being called racists.
Let's look at the record:
September 29: Danny Funderburk, mayor of Fort Mill, South Carolina (sent out an email claiming the Bible says the Antichrist will be a person of Muslim extraction, meaning Obama)

October 16: Diane Fedele, president of the Chaffey (California) Community Republican Women (included “Obama Bucks” with pictures of watermelon and fried chicken on them in her group’s newsletter)

December 25: Chip Saltsman, former chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party and candidate for RNC chairman (sent out a “Christmas gift” containing a Youtube video about “Barack the Magic Negro”)

February 5: Carol Carter, Republican state committeewoman from Hillsborough County, Florida (sent out an email asking, “How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn’t get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice?”)

February 25: Dean Grose, mayor of Los Alamitos, California (emailed around a picture of watermelons growing on the White House lawn)

March 12: Boyd Austin, mayor of Dallas, Georgia (suggested on his Facebook status that Obama give the British prime minister a gift of malt liquor and cigarettes)

June 2: Diann Jones, a vice chairman of the Collin County (Texas) Republican Party (sent an email about how Obama is plotting against Americans from his office in the “Black House” because Texas state lawmakers were considering a tax on firearms purchases)

June 14: Rusty DePass, South Carolina GOP activist (said an escaped gorilla from a local zoo was a relative of Michelle Obama’s)

June 16: Sherri Goforth, executive assistant for Tennessee Republican State Rep. Diane Black (sent around a picture of all the presidents where Obama is just goggle eyes against a black background)

July 17: Gary Frago, conservative city councilman in Atwater, California (sent a whole lot of emails full of racist jokes about Obama to everybody he knew)

Add to that Kenneth Gladney's allegation that he was "attacked" and motivation was because he is black.

This week, Drudge and Rush pushed the "racist" bus attack.

O'Keefe interviews AA ACORN workers because:
Though O'Keefe described himself as a progressive radical, not a conservative, he said he targeted ACORN for the same reasons that the political right does: its massive voter registration drives that turn out poor African Americans and Latinos against Republicans.

A splinter is smaller than a plank.

Sam L. said...

And it always serves their purpose.