HolyCoast: Obama Throws Another Bone to the Unions
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Friday, September 11, 2009

Obama Throws Another Bone to the Unions

China? We don't need no stinkin' China (from Rob Port):
What’s the worst that could happen? Aside from more expensive products for Americans, fewer exports for American businesses and China refusing to buy up any more of the debt Obama and his fellow Democrats are creating, that is.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Friday slapped punitive tariffs on all car and light truck tires entering the United States from China in a decision that could anger the strategically important Asian powerhouse but placate union supporters important to his health care push at home.

Obama had until Sept. 17 — next week — to accept, reject or modify a U.S. International Trade Commission ruling that a rising tide of Chinese tires into the U.S. hurts American producers. A powerful union, United Steelworkers, blames the increase for the loss of thousands of American jobs.

I’m sure the Steelworkers are happy about this, but those of us who might be looking to get a new set of tires had better hurry and get them before prices go up.

There's more at the link. China can slap Obama down pretty much anytime they want to, and I'll bet they'll want to pretty soon.

1 comment:

Nightingale said...

Talk about biting the hand that owns you!