HolyCoast: Parents Suing Over Mandatory Gay Education in Elementary School
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Parents Suing Over Mandatory Gay Education in Elementary School

Do you kindergartners know everything they need to know about gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgenders, transspecies, and transterrestrials? (Did I cover everybody?)

California law says they need an annual lesson and some parents are unhappy:
A lawsuit in California that was filed last month by angry parents who object to a gay-friendly curriculum they say is being foisted on kindergartners could well become a test case for schools around the country.

Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families.

The parents say they are concerned about "indoctrination" in the schools, but administrators say the course is needed to protect against sexual discrimination — and that the lessons are protected by laws in California and 10 other states.

Those states, which stretch from Washington to Maine, will now be eyeing the court results in California in a case that warring sides say pits parents' rights against a schools' responsibilities.

To learn more about controversial teachings in school tune in to a FOX News Reporting special, "Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children Are Really Reading?" which premieres Friday, Sept. 4 at 9 p.m. EDT. Click here for a preview.

The contested California curriculum includes an annual 45-minute LGBT lesson taught to kids from kindergarten through the fifth grade. The kindergartners will focus on the harms of teasing, while the fifth graders will study sexual orientation stereotypes.

The move toward the new classes began two years ago, when teachers noticed that even kindergarten students were using derogatory words about sexuality, such as "fag."

Kids have been calling each other names, some of which they don't even understand, since Cain and Abel. All this training will do is ensure they know what they're talking about when they call each other "fags".

Of course, the real purpose for all of this is to desensitize kids to alternative or aberrant lifestyles and to encourage them to question their parents' moral values. When everything is normal nothing is abnormal, and that's the real goal of all this.


Desert Man said...

This ought to bring a real rush into home-schooling children. It has taken a number of years but the queers have placed themselves in many positions so they can accomplish this feat.

Ann's New Friend said...

Desert Man says it will bring a rush to home schooling -- but what it needs to create is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" of such proportions as to scare Hillary all the way back to Arkansas.

When do we decide to get our schools back? This a test case?

Maybe this will be the moment when a nation grows a backbone. The gays had better tread lightly. Now they are playing with fire.