HolyCoast: School Principal Has No Regrets
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Friday, September 25, 2009

School Principal Has No Regrets

The principal of the New Jersey school where students sang praises to Obama has no regrets and would do it again if she could:
The principal of a New Jersey elementary school where young students were videotaped singing the praises of President Obama is making no apologies for the videotape and says she would allow the performance again if she could, according to parents who spoke with her Thursday night.

Three parents told FOXNews.com that Dr. Denise King, principal of B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., defended the controversial performance, which was videotaped and posted on YouTube, when they approached her during a "Back to School" event.

Parent Jim Angelillo said King told him the lesson was merely part of Black History month, and not an attempt to indoctrinate students, as critics have charged. He said he believes teachers have the freedom to express their political views, but not in the classroom.

"Freedom of speech, not freedom to teach," Angelillo told FOXNews.com.

King has long been a fan of Obama, hanging pictures of the president in her school's hallways and touting her trip to his inauguration in the school yearbook.

Included in the full-page yearbook spread were Obama campaign slogans ("Yes we can! Yes we did!") and photos King took in Washington on Jan. 20, when she attended the inauguration.

There also were photos taken at the school depicting students doing Obama-themed activities about their "hopes for the future," featuring posters of Obama. According to the yearbook, students watched the inauguration in class.

I posted the lyrics to the Obama praise songs in an earlier post. I'm waiting now for the condemnation of the kids from John McCain. After all, during the campaign McCain publicly rebuked several people who dared to utter the middle name of Obama and now we have a class full of kids chanting it numerous times.

Make room under McCain's campaign bus for some little kids.

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