HolyCoast: Sebelius: Obama Will Make Sure Obamacare Doesn't Fund Abortions
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sebelius: Obama Will Make Sure Obamacare Doesn't Fund Abortions

Color me skeptical:
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told me on ‘This Week’ the President will go beyond language in a House bill to make sure no public money goes to pay for abortions under health care reform.

Abortion foes argue language in the House bill has too many holes and that taxpayers could potentially subsidize abortions. Sebelius told me there will be no uncertainty with the President's plan.

“In fact recently the Catholic bishops came out, after the President’s statement saying that his statement about what he intends in the plan that no public fund would go to fund abortion and the fact that he has come out firmly for insuring all Americans and saying that it’s a moral issue as well as an economic issue and they endorsed moving forward. I think the legislative language will reflect what the President has just said.”

GEORGE: “So you are saying that he will go beyond what we have seen in the House and explicitly rule out any public funding for abortion?”

SEBELIUS: “Well that’s exactly what the President said and that’s what he intends that the bill he signs will do.”
I think is was yesterday that NOW or (NAGS as they're known around here) demanded that abortion funding be part of Obamacare. When the president says he "intends" something, that doesn't mean he's actually going to "do" that. I'll believe he means it when I see ironclad language go into the bill.

Not that it really matters, though, since this probably won't push Obamacare over the top with anyone and could actually cause it to lose support among the wacky left.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

I am more than skeptical. I'm putting my tin foil hat on now, but I keep wondering how Obama's administration dug up somebody like John Holdren out of this nation of 300 million with so many medical experts living in it.

And knowing what we know (we being those who get our news from the new media), I ask myself if someone like Holdren were, say, to find partisans in support of some "forced abortions" down the road, how could such an undertaking possibly be brought into practice?

The obvious answer is that you would have to have a medical monopoly, a system that any and every pregnant woman would need to access in order to get any medical care at all -- that system that Obama likes to refer to as "single payer."

When the government controls medicine, at that juncture, a government that wants to control people, has at least the minimum tool it needs.

What reassures me that such a scheme would be foiled was the arrival yesterday of the cavalry.
I got to tell you, I woke up this morning feeling a lot safer. I'm living in America again.