HolyCoast: To All Who Contributed, Thanks for Making "Racist" a Meaningless Word
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

To All Who Contributed, Thanks for Making "Racist" a Meaningless Word

If figured there might one day come a time when we would no longer hear the word "racist". That would be day that Martin Luther King's ideal of a world in which people "are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin" had come to pass.

That day has clearly not come, but thanks to Jimduh Carter, Maxine Waters, and a host of Dem political leaders and mainstream media pundits, the day has come in which the word "racist" no longer has any meaning. It has now lost its sting, its power to rebuke, its power to shame.

There was a time in America when the worst thing you could say about a person was that they were "racist". The word carried a stigma worse than "murderer" or "rapist". O.J. Simpson killed two people, but all the defense had to do was throw "racist" at the cops who investigated him and the case was toast.

But all that has changed. Thanks to the notion being promoted by the usual collection of race-baiters that all opposition to Obama is "racist", the word no longer has power to shape the debate. It's pretty much as powerful as calling someone a "poophead".

Having been called "racist" more times than I can count thanks to my conservative views, political incorrectness and opposition to Obama's vision of a socialist America, I'm personally grateful to the poopheads that have madly waved the race card since Obama became a candidate. They've overused the word so badly, that like the boy who cried "wolf!", when the boys and girls who cry "racist!" scream forth, nobody cares.

Maybe Obama will be a post-racial president after all.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

Your view of the race baiters is more sanguine than mine. I find it ironic as heck that a book by shadow government official Bill Ayers should have appeared to coincide with the beginning of the Obama era. Ayer's book called "Race Course" is described this way: "Arguing that white supremacy has been the dominant political system in the United States since its earliest days and that it is still very much with us the discussion points to unexamined bigotry in the criminal justice system, election processes, war policy, and education."

Carter has embarrassed himself so many times perhaps we're numb to his effect, but Mrs. Pelosi is simply evil. And still I ask, WHERE were these champions of human rights when Condoleezza Rice was confronted on the Senate floor by a white woman with fake blood on her hands? Why wasn't THAT racism? And why wasn't the alarm sounded about Miss Rice's safety when a lunatic could just walk up to within striking distance of her?

These people crying racism hope to profit by it. They don't care about black Americans. They don't care about anything but their own political class and about amassing power.

They are evil and they need to be kicked out of office. If the midterms don't result in a new American Revolution then citizens will have abdicated their responsibility. This Congress is corrupt to the core. The Democrat party is corrupt to the core.

They are using black people -- simply using them -- and it's unconscionable. The media is in cahoots with them. The MEDIA are the enablers of this travesty. We are aware of aspects of Obama's shady associations because of conservative media, but many good citizens are not aware. And the Democrats have done everything in their power to demonize the conservative media and to make it seem beyond the pale, to stigmatize it so that people won't listen.

These cynical politicians are cheating black voters even more than they are cheating Americans generally. And as for Mrs. Pelosi, compared to her, Obama is like a Boy Scout in virtue.

She is evil, I tell you. Just plain wicked and evil.