HolyCoast: Today's ACORN Cognitive Dissonance
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's ACORN Cognitive Dissonance

First, this headline from Drudge:
ACORN says tape doctored, edited...
And yet they fired four people in two cities, with more likely in New York City. Why would ACORN fire people if they believed the tapes to be fake?

And this tweet:
RT @fideist: Charlie Gibson just told WLS Radio the reason he hasn't reported on ACORN -"(he) didn't know about it."
The anchor of one of the Big Three evening news shows doesn't know about a story that has been ricocheting around the internet for several days, resulted in the Census Bureau dropping their contract with ACORN, and 83 U.S. Senators voting to defund them?


Rich Lowry calls ACORN the "E.F. Hutton of Prostitution":
The radical activist group ACORN is the E. F. Hutton of prostitution. It stands ready to provide discreet advice on setting up a brothel and engaging in other, associated acts of criminality. When ACORN talks, pimps and hookers listen.
Read the whole thing.


Nightingale said...

Charlie Gibson has as much credibility as Dan Rather.

Underdog said...

Gibson lost all credibility with me after his interview with Sarah Palin during the runup to the 2008 elections. It became clear to me in studying the transcript that he was trying his best to "bait" her for her Christ-centered worldview.

Untrustworthy as all get out. Par for the course.