HolyCoast: Van Jones, Mysteriously Hidden From Mainstream Liberal Media
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Saturday, September 05, 2009

Van Jones, Mysteriously Hidden From Mainstream Liberal Media

Apparently Obama's Green Jobs Czar and commie Truther Van Jones is like one of those superheros who is visible to some, but mysteriously invisible to others. From Byron York:

From a Nexis search a few moments ago:

Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

If you were to receive all your news from any one of these outlets, or even all of them together, and you heard about some sort of controversy involving President Obama's Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, your response would be, "Huh?" If you heard that that adviser, Van Jones, had apologized for a number of remarks and positions in the recent past, your response would be, "What?" And if you were in the Obama White House monitoring the Jones situation, you would be hoping that the news organizations listed above continue to hold the line -- otherwise, Jones, who is quite well thought of in Obama circles, would be history.

9/5/09 UPDATE: The New York Times, ABC and NBC hold the line

After the Jones controversy reached a boiling point on Friday, the Washington Post published a story, "White House Says Little on Embattled Jones," on page A-3 of its Saturday edition. But the New York Times remained silent on the story.

Likewise, on Friday night the "CBS Evening News" reported the Jones matter, but ABC's "World News" and "NBC Nightly News" again failed to report the story.

There was a day when real journalists would have thrived on a story like this and gone after it with everything they had to ensure the "people's right to know". Either the people no longer have a right to know, or we no longer have real journalists.


Linda said...

I think both of those statements are true.

Ann's New Friend said...

Motive. Why are the news media doing this? That's what I want to know.

A generation of journalists are doing propaganda -- the consequence of journalism schools on campus? Old timer journalists learned the ropes on the job ....

People are going to rethink college. It's super-expensive, it's propaganda, it's standing in the way of genuine inquiry, it's part of a growing industry of groupthink.

Other thoughts? Why is this happening?

LewArcher said...

If you wanted to dip in a creek, but you just saw someone put a drop of urine in it, would you go in???

Underdog said...

Well, this shows that Nexis can be biased.

Anecdotally, I recall my college journalism adviser telling me *he* controlled the news at the student newspaper, and if I wanted to have a story with my byline appear, it had to meet his approval. This was, of course, in the days before the Internet was popular.

I said, "no dice" and walked away. One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life! No regrets. Learned a lot from that incident.

That was back in the early days of post-Watergate "agenda/advocacy" journalism. Never bought into that stuff.

Ann's New Friend said...

If some odd eccentric took ten one-hundred dollar bills, tossed them in a toilet and flushed them down the drain ...

would I feel an over-whelming urge to pull out a whole wad of one-hundred dollar bills and flush them too?

I don't think so.

Now then, Rick's girl is studying music at college. And happily they haven't figured out how to corrupt that discipline yet.

But I'm quite sure they gotta man working on it ... maybe a whole team .... (And Rick, and especially his lovely wife, will catch the subtle undercurrent of Seinfeld in these remarks!)