HolyCoast: Welcome to the Town Hall, Mr. President
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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Welcome to the Town Hall, Mr. President

I didn't see the speech tonight, but from this report it sounds like the president got a taste of what Democrats have been hearing all August:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Democratic leaders are calling on Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) to apologize for heckling President Obama as a liar.

Wilson shouted to the president "you lie" after Obama said illegal immigrants would not benefit from health insurance coverage from the reform bill. Obama glared disgustedly in the direction the remark came from, as did Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Vice President Joe Biden.

House Democratic Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) called Wilson's outburst "embarrassing," while McCain said it was "totally disrespectful" and that there was "no place for it in that setting or any other."

McCain said Wilson "should apologize for it immediately."
Of course he did.

Yelling at the president from the floor of the House harkens back to the early days of our Republic when things were a lot less civil in our political discussions. I'm sure Rep. Wilson will take a lot of flack for this, but he just said out loud what every Republican and a host of voters were thinking.

Congressman Wilson has apologized, calling his remarks "inappropriate and regrettable". He didn't say they weren't true.


LewArcher said...

Wasn't it a senator from South Carolina that beat a senator from Massachusetts in the lead up to the Civil War?

As for his apology, it sounded very similar to Republican Michael Duvall, the assemblyman from your way Rick, who has caught on an open mike boasting about his affairs with lobbyists. HIs lobbyist girlfriend wore leaky eye-patch underwear.
“I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly,
No apology for banging and spanking two women in addition to/instead of his wife.


Wilson and Duvall- two lumps from the same sack.

Anonymous said...

I wish my US Representative had that kind of fight in his craw. He spoke the truth. You can tell if Barack is lying; all you need to do is look and see if his lips are moving.

Amy said...

I can't believe the inappropriate and disrespectful behavior towards our president.

Rick Moore said...

Amy, you're a regular one-note samba, having posted the identical comment on another post of mine. That tells me you're probably running around the internet putting that same comment on every post you can about last night's speech.

So, I'll post the same response I posted last time:

Well then, Amy, I'm sure you must have been outraged when the Democrats booed President Bush during the State of the Union in 2005.


Ann's New Friend said...

I'm disappointed in McCain. I've had enough of McCain's Miss Manners act. If McCain had done his job right as candidate, we wouldn't be in this horrible mess now.

God Bless Joe Wilson for ... hmm ... what do they like to call it? -- "speaking truth to power."

And not to be repetitious a la Amy, but notice the interesting jerk of Obama's arm when he replies to Wilson's cry. Big O says "it's not true," -- ah, but the arm tells a somewhat DIFFERENT story.

But don't worry, Lefties, Obama did not injure his arm in the exchange.

God forbid he should need "health care"!

Anonymous said...

Speaking Truth To Power. That's okay only some of the time, unless you believe in Free Speech. The Left does not believe in free speech or critical thought. They are indoctrinated into one, and only one, point of view being "correct". I think Representative Wilson showed at least as much respect to the POTUS as the POTUS has shown to The Constitution that he has sworn to protect and defend.