HolyCoast: White House Turns Its Back on Crazy Old Man
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

White House Turns Its Back on Crazy Old Man

Jimduh Carter, now nicknamed by Rush Limbaugh as the "nation's hemorrhoid", is being intentionally ignored by the White House:
The White House studiously avoided any criticism of Carter, other than to have Press Secretary Robert Gibbs say repeatedly that Obama did not agree with him. Gibbs waved off the idea of Carter's analysis or GOP Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina's "You Lie" out-burst during Obama's address to a joint session were "teachable moments."

Obama, in the Oval Office with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Wednesday, ignored a question about whether he agreed with Carter's take on racism.

"I'm not sure I see this, this large national conversation going on right now," Gibbs demurred during the Wednesday daily briefing. "It adds to our dialogue. I'm just simply saying I don't think the president agrees with that."

Privately, other Obama aides are more blunt. "There is no percentage for us to get involved in this debate," said one. "Not on politics, not on policy, not even on the issue of race. The president doesn't agree with Carter and that's it."

Neither does most of America.

1 comment:

Ann's New Friend said...

I'm hot (as my previous comment a few posts up already demonstrates).

Let's face it, Jimmy Carter is just about the lowest form of life crawling around right now. His every statement since he was tossed out by Reagan's victory has been some lame effort to recapture the spotlight.

And, quite obviously, even Obama doesn't want to be bothered. Obama doesn't need him, already suffers too much comparison with him, and understandably doesn't want to touch Jimmy with a ten foot pole.

Do you suppose the Dems are using reverse psych ops on us? I mean, invoke Jimmy often enough and Obama starts to look good by comparison. As bad as Obama's administration is, and even as it goes from bad to worse, and though it resembles Carter's more and more, still somehow Obama manages (I don't know how) to be less loathsome than Carter.

How is that so? (Is there a psychiatrist in the house?)