HolyCoast: For a Good Time Call the Elementary School
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

For a Good Time Call the Elementary School

T-shirts distributed to Orange County elementary students for a school fundraiser have been recalled after a parent discovered that the phone number printed on the back of the shirts was a sex chat line.

Linda Vista Elementary School Principal Jackie Howland says the shirts featured the school's mascot of a lion running with a 1-800 number written in words not digits.

The number was written as a cute slogan for the jog-a-thon event, but turned out to be a real phone line that was a she-male sex chat line.

Despite the shirt faux pas, Howland says the jog-a-thon raised $25,000 for student activities.

Did the parent recognize the number from previous usage? Hmm.

1 comment:

Larry Sheldon said...

Given the players, I'm betting the parent said "I'll bet nobody checked that number." And checked it.