HolyCoast: Swiss Government: We Can't Trust the People
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Monday, November 30, 2009

Swiss Government: We Can't Trust the People

I reported yesterday on the decision by Swiss voters to ban the construction of further Islamic minarets in their country. That vote hasn't gone over well with the Swiss government:
So concerned is the government by the decision that Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer Schlumpf, watching the results come in on Sunday afternoon, apparently told her advisers there ought to be some restrictions on what the general public can actually vote on.

This, for Switzerland, is political dynamite. The country's system of direct democracy is sacrosanct. The people are allowed to vote on any policy and to propose policy themselves, which is what they did on minarets.
That sort of reminds me of Bill Clinton's admission in the 90's that he'd raised taxes too much but couldn't give the money back to the taxpayers because he couldn't be sure they'd spend it the right way.

I would like to think that not all elected officials think the voters are stupid, but I'm having my doubts. Maybe they are stupid - at least the ones who voted for the elected officials.


Herman said...

I applaud the Swiss citizens for having a sound mind and voting for what they wanted. The political machine is too dumb to realize they are slowly losing their country to the enemy.

Nightingale said...

The wussiest people on the planet finally draw a line in the snow, and their even wussier government is now wringing their hands.

I am so glad to be an American.