HolyCoast: Another Flight, Another Mad Nigerian
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Another Flight, Another Mad Nigerian

This is starting to become an epidemic:
Police have arrested a Nigerian man who reportedly became verbally disruptive and barricaded himself in the bathroom of a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight on Sunday.

Several police vehicles and a police command unit have surrounded a plane at Detroit's Metro Airport, after the pilot of a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines flight requested emergency help.

Two sources tell Fox News that the suspect boarded a plan in Lagos with no baggage, and said the FBI has already sent an email alert to other federal agencies notifying them of the incident.

The source said the man taken into custody at the Detroit airport was a Nigerian man in his 30s. Federal officials know who the suspect is, but won't provide any more details. He allegedly barricaded himself in the plane's bathroom for an hour.

Detroit's Metro Airport spokesman John Witner said there was a report of suspicious activity on the Delta/Northwest flight 253 from Amsterdam Sunday. That is the same flight number as the flight that Nigerian man Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was suspected of attempting to blow up over Detroit on Christmas Day.

Feds are trying to determine whether there is any connection with Abdulmutallab, who was arrested on Christmas.

All 257 passengers and 12 crew have deplaned safely, said Delta spokeswoman Susan Elliott. The flight landed safely in Detroit at 12:34 p.m. Sunday.

The flight crew requested that law enforcement meet the aircraft after a passenger on the plane became verbally disruptive, said Elliott.

Maybe they just really hate Detroit. Can't really blame them for that.

UPDATE: Officials say the guy had stomach problems that prevented him from opening the door when asked. We'll see.

1 comment:

Herman said...

What they need in the planes is a large trap-door in the bathrooms so that when they get some crazy person that barricades themself in all the pilot has to do is flip a switch and out they go, end of problem. Best is this is performed over the ocean so no one on the grounds gets hurt.