HolyCoast: Ben Nelson's Grovel-a-Thon
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ben Nelson's Grovel-a-Thon

Sen. Ben Nelson has some begging to do:
As a fresh poll measured the political cost of Sen. Ben Nelson's health reform vote, he prepared Tuesday to take his case directly to Nebraskans during Wednesday night's Holiday Bowl game.

Nelson will air a new TV ad in which he attempts to debunk opposition claims that the Senate legislation represents a government takeover, and he makes the case for health care reform.

"With all the distortions about health care reform, I want you to hear directly from me," the Democratic senator says in the ad.

Nelson, dressed in an open-necked shirt and sweater, speaks directly into the camera during the 30-second ad.

The message will be launched during the Nebraska-Arizona football game and continue to air statewide for an undisclosed number of days.

The political damage Nelson may have incurred in providing the critical 60th vote that cleared the way for Senate passage of the health care reform bill showed up Tuesday in a poll released by Rasmussen Reports.

The telephone survey of 500 Nebraskans, conducted Monday, suggested Republican Gov. Dave Heineman would defeat Nelson in a potential 2012 Senate race by a 61-30 margin.

The poll showed Nelson with a 55 percent unfavorable rating and 64 percent disapproval for Democratic health care reform legislation.

Unless he comes out in this ad (which I already know he doesn't) and tell the people he'll vote against cloture on the final bill he won't be able to undo the damage he's already done to himself. It won't be enough to vote for cloture and then vote against the final bill when only 51 votes are needed for passage. That will be seen for what it is - a meaningless gesture designed to get him back in the good graces of Nebraska voters.

Too late, Ben. That's toasty smell is what's left of your political career.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

I think that "Ben" had better start filling out job applications as soon as he can as he will be losing the position he has. The Cornhuskers have had enough of him, as he is an embarassment to the state.