HolyCoast: Times Square Shut Down by Suspicious Van
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Times Square Shut Down by Suspicious Van

The NYPD has closed down part of Manhattan's Times Square in response to a report of a suspicious vehicle, CBS 2 HD has learned.

Police blocked off Broadway at 42nd Street just after 11 a.m. Wednesday to investigate a white 1992 Dodge van with tinted windows that has been parked at the location for two days.

The NYPD's emergency service unit and bomb squad have positioned themselves around the vehicle, which is parked on the west side of the street between 41st and 42nd.

The van has temporary plates and a tarp is covering the windows, police say.

Pedestrians in and around the Crossroads of the World are being told to keep it moving, according to CBS 2's Lou Young, who was live at the scene.
Probably nothing, but with New Year's Eve coming up tomorrow night and a crowd of a million people planning to be in that area you can't take too many precautions.

UPDATE: No threat. Nothing to see here.....move along....

1 comment:

Northstar96sc said...

Never take a chance- be alert-be diligent. Remember your President is a Muslim. Protect yourselves and your families.