HolyCoast: Blizzard Cancels Global Warming Protest
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blizzard Cancels Global Warming Protest

Gotta love these stories:
A downtown protest of the climate change talks in Copenhagen became a victim of Wednesday's snowstorm.

"Not many people showed up because of the blizzard conditions," said organizer Clea Major, an international studies student at the University of Utah.

It didn't take long for the six friends to pack up a bullhorn and posters they'd planned to use for their "scream-in," an outlet for their frustration about the failure of the Copenhagen climate talks earlier this month to curb the pollution blamed for climate change.

Still, they chatted with a few passers-by during the commuter-hour protest near the Gateway, and explained that, blizzard aside, climate change is expected to bring chaos to the global climate, said Major.

She called Wednesday evening's effort a success and possibly the first in a series. As for the snow, it's not entirely new; a protest she attended last year in Washington, D.C., suffered a similar fate.

"There is always the irony element," Major said.
As I've said before, God just loves messing with these people's minds.

1 comment:

Goofy Dick said...

Gee's, it appears as though this group of people are just plain stupid. They really don't understand history and what is going on in the world.