HolyCoast: Bush Blamed for Panty Bomber
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Monday, December 28, 2009

Bush Blamed for Panty Bomber

I guess this response from White House spokeshole Robert Gibbs is predictable:
Robert Gibbs and Secretary Napolitano made clear that we are pressing ahead with securing our nation against threats and our aggressive posture in the war with al Qaeda. We are winding down a war in Iraq that took our eye off of the terrorists that attacked us, and have dramatically increased our resources in Afghanistan and Pakistan where those terrorists are. We are putting the pressure on al Qaeda worldwide with all elements of American power, and key al Qaeda leaders have been taken out in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. Gibbs also made clear the President refuses to play politics with these issues. As he said in West Point, we must put aside petty politics and recapture the unity that we had after 9/11.
How long can they keep playing this "blame Bush" card and expect to get away with it? That act went stale long ago. They've been in charge for nearly a year now, and they can't expect the public to buy the old "blame Bush" line any longer.

Janet Napolitano totally beclowned herself when she stated "the system worked" because a passenger stopped the bad guy with the bum detonator. You may not have realized that as an airline passenger you are now part of the "system".

If that's the case, why not let us carry our guns aboard. I could do a lot better job of protecting the plane if I was armed.


Sam L. said...

Bobby is a bad liar.

Ann's New Friend said...

They can say things like this for Dem audiences and get away with it since their constituents are too "cool" to care much about reality and the Media now have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy regarding the news reporting. Where the terrorists are? Duh. Are we invading London next?

Anonymous said...

2 attacks on US soil since this guy is president. 13 dead.