HolyCoast: Obama Wants Senate Bill That Funds Abortion
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Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama Wants Senate Bill That Funds Abortion

Of course he does - that's what he's wanted all along:
President Barack Obama promised Americans in a speech to Congress that his version of a government-run health care bill would not contain abortion funding. Now his top spokesman confirms that Obama favors the Senate bill that funds abortions over the House bill that bans abortion funding.

In a September nationally-televised speech to Congress, Obama sought to clear up projections from pro-life advocates that his health care plan would fund abortions.

“One more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions,” Obama claimed.

Since his speech, the House has approved a health care bill that contains the Stupak amendment making it so taxpayer funding of abortions is prohibited in virtually all cases. On the other hand, the Senate bill contains the Reid-Nelson language that opens the door to forcing taxpayers to fund abortions and allowing the Obama administration to force insurance companies to cover them with taxpayers’ premiums.
This could create some problems for Nancy Pelosi. It's not certain that she could get a bill through the House that contained any sort of abortion funding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would only pray that Nancy Pelosi would read the poem in this article before she makes her decision. Abortion truly hurts.
