HolyCoast: Dem Calls For Profiling
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dem Calls For Profiling

Of course, she doesn't want to call it profiling because that would be politically incorrect, but that's what it is:
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee organized a news conference on Sunday morning at Bush Intercontinental Airport where she demanded major changes in the way potential terrorists are tracked.

The demands came one day after federal authorities charged a Nigerian man with trying to detonate a device during a Detroit-bound flight.

Jackson-Lee called for a revision of the way federal investigators track potential terrorists. She recommended more intensive and creative uses of technology and behavioral monitoring.

"The assessment of behavioral tendencies, that is not profiling, but it is the same misstep that we made in Fort Hood," said Jackson Lee at the news conference.

Jackson- Lee believes there may very well be behavioral similarities between people who might otherwise be successful in committing deadly acts of terrorism, but many Nigerians in Houston worry the new approach could cast a shadow on all of them.
She doesn't get many things right, but she is correct that the approach that calls for treating everyone equally doesn't work. There are certain factors, be they race, religion, national origin, etc. that cause certain persons to warrant extra attention from the TSA people.


Robert Fanning said...

A man paying cash for a one way ticket overseas and having no luggage...one would have to be a moron not to question that...and the US was already aware of this person's behavior, his father had notified the US embassy of his child's behavior. Collecting these facts would not be profiling. Sadly, in these PC times it would be portrayed as profiling and, as in the case of the near disaster, the information would not be available for behavioral questioning. Thanks to the Representative for seeking to redress an awful state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Someone who prays five times a day facing Mecca.

Nightingale said...

When GWB was president, his administration was criticized for not "connecting the dots" that might have prevented 911.

The current administration didn't even need to connect any dots, as the information on this terrorist was as plain as day.

God continue to help us, please.

Goofy Dick said...

The present administration with its leader Obama aren't even as skilled as a small child who is trying to put a giant piece puzzle together. In other words they just plain don't have a clue what is going on in the U.S. and in the World as a whole. Everything which happens is someone else's fault.