HolyCoast: Global Warming Quote of the Day
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Global Warming Quote of the Day

From a disgruntled delegate at the UN Global Warming Summit:
Lumumba Di-Aping, chief negotiator for the G77 group of 130 developing countries, was scathing: "This deal will definitely result in massive devastation in Africa and small island states. It has the lowest level of ambition you can imagine. It's nothing short of climate change skepticism in action.

"It locks countries into a cycle of poverty for ever. Obama has eliminated any difference between him and Bush."
From your lips to God's ears.

I only wish it was climate skepticism in action, and if Obama suddenly morphed into Bush we'd all be better off.

That quote really tells us what this whole conference was all about. It's not about saving the world, but about transferring wealth from the developed countries to the developing countries. Nothing we are going to do even with billions of dollars will change the climate one iota.

1 comment:

Robb said...

G77 group of 130? These are the dim bulbs who we're dealing with!