HolyCoast: More Christmas Nonsense
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Christmas Nonsense

From Sonoma County, where my daughter goes to college:
California's Sonoma County has ordered officials to remove angels, stars and other religious symbols from Christmas trees in county buildings over concerns they violate the Constitution.

County Administrator Chris Thomas issued the order Monday to managers of all 26 county departments, saying it is not the government's role to endorse religion.

The Supreme Court has ruled that governments can celebrate Christmas but cannot support Christian doctrine.

Thomas' order followed a complaint by Santa Rosa resident Irv Sutley, an atheist who heads the county's socialist Peace and Freedom Party. He says the government should not show favoritism to any religion.

Sutley has previously been successful in stopping prayers at government meetings in several cities.
So, you can celebrate Christmas, but you're supposed to do it without mentioning the Christian event upon which it is based.

How do you do that? The word "Christmas" comes from "Christ's Mass".

If they're going to be this stupid then quit calling it Christmas and start calling it "Winter Solstice" or "Cold Weather Holiday", or "Day Off the Just Accidentally Happens to Coincide with a Religious Holiday".


1 comment:

Herman said...

Sutley is nothing short of being a first class idiot. He should be put in his place. I don't like celebrating his April 1st Holiday either, but I tolerate it!