HolyCoast: Nine Big Stories the Mainstream Media Missed (or Ignored)
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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nine Big Stories the Mainstream Media Missed (or Ignored)

Fox News has a slideshow of the nine big 2009 news stories the mainstream media missed. The stories include Van Jones, the ACORN tapes, Science Czar John Holdren, ClimateGate, Politicizing the NEA, Chas Freeman, the Tea Party Protest, Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings, and the Democratic Stimulus. All of these stories were bad news for liberals which explains the mainstream media's reluctance to have anything to do with them.

You can review the details of each at the link.


Sam L. said...

That's IGNORED, not missed.
They averted their attention, deliberately.

LewArcher said...

My favorite, the Kenneth Gladney saga, didn't make it.

BTW, have anyone seen the unedited, undoctored O'Keefe/Giles ACORN tapes??

Didn't think so.

Rick Moore said...

You can harp on the Gladney case all you want, Lou, but the fact is charges have been filed and it will go to trial.

And it doesn't appear that there's any information on the O'Keefe/Giles tapes that you haven't seen that would shed any more light on the story. The ACORN people are crooks, pure and simple.

Robb said...

#1 ignored story: 0bama is not Constitutionally eligible to be president.

#2. Usurper 0bama is accused of using thirty-nine Social Security numbers - including, at least one, of a dead man from CT.

LEwArcher said...

Is this what you are refering to, Rick?
Post-Dispatch reporter Jake Wagman, 30, of University City, was charged with interfering with a police officer. The charges allege that he failed to obey repeated commands “to leave the site of an ongoing disturbance.”
Elston McCowan, 47, of St. Louis, and Perry Molens, 50, of De Soto, each were charged with assaulting a person and interfering with police.
Javonne Spitz, 51, of O'Fallon, Mo., and Brian Matthews, 34, of Glendale, also were charged with interfering with an officer. Cheryl Johner, 55, of Arnold, was charged with assaulting a person and destruction of property, for allegedly pushing another woman and breaking her cell phone.

Where are the race crime chrages?
Why wasn't anyone charged for assaulting Gladney?
From your postings Rick, he was in pretty bad condition, but no charges?
(I wonder if Ashley Todd and Kenneth are related.)

Of course, if you watched the video and ignored the comments, you would have been hard pressed to see the "beating."

And where did you see the unedited ACORN tapes?
It doesn't take much to see the job they did with editing. You must remember what George Crile and Mike Wallace did to General Westmoreland back in 1983.
Or based on watching the edited tapes on CBS Special Report, the general was guilty of misleading and lying to President Johnson.
Would you call General Westmoreland a crook, pure and simple?