HolyCoast: Ping-Pong The Witch Ain't Dead
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ping-Pong The Witch Ain't Dead

In fact, she's planning to avoid the open conference process and negotiate the Obamacare bill in a series of private backroom deals according to John Fund of the Wall Street Journal:
When Democrats took over Congress in 2007, they increasingly did not send bills through the regular conference process. “We have to defer to the bigger picture,” explained Rep. Henry Waxman of California. So the children’s health insurance bill passed by the House that year was largely dumped in favor of the Senate’s version. House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel and other Democrats complained the House had been “cut off at the knees” but ultimately supported the bill. Legislation on lobbying reform and the 2007 energy bill were handled the same way — without appointing an actual conference.

Rather than appoint members to a public conference committee, those measures were “ping-ponged” — i.e. changes to reconcile the two versions were transmitted by messenger between the two houses as the final product was crafted behind closed doors solely by the leadership. Many Democrats grumbled at the secrecy. “We need to get back to the point where we use conference committees . . . and have serious dialogue,” said Rep. Artur Davis of Alabama at the time.

But serious dialogue isn’t what Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are interested in right now. Look for the traditional conference committee to be replaced by a “ping-pong” game in which health care is finalized behind closed doors with little public scrutiny before the bill is rushed to the floor of each chamber for a final vote.
It's clear the house won't pass the Senate bill as is so some sort of negotiation between the two Houses was going to have to occur. However, this is something the Democrats don't want done in public because shining a light on the contents of the bill is their worst enemy.


Sam L. said...

This is the most ttransparent Congress and Administration in our nation's history--they are transparently crooks.

Anonymous said...

One would think that Congress is being run by Mr. Putin. Folks, this is the way it is, and this is what you now have.

Ann's New Friend said...

They wanted to make abortion a national policy in time for Christmas. It reveals how evil this really is. They would crucify Christ before he is born. I worry about Nancy Pelosi, for the state of her soul. They designed a slaughter of the innocents.

It is not just about the nation. Nations come and go. It is about our humanity, our creation in the image of God.

God is not fooled. But what becomes of us as Americans with this "health care" that is all death panel, every comma and every paragraph of it?

What becomes of our humanity?