HolyCoast: Remember When the World Was Going to Love Us Again?
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Remember When the World Was Going to Love Us Again?

How's that going?
In the realm of diplomacy with America's detractors, President Obama ends his first year in office much as George W. Bush ended his last -- unloved.

Obama appeared to "extend a hand," as he said he would do in his inauguration speech, but he didn't find many "willing to unclench (their) fist" in return.

Again and again, Obama made symbolic and concrete gestures toward some of the countries giving the United States the hardest time -- Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela.

Occasionally and briefly, recipients reciprocated. But while the intentions of these countries are shrouded and ultimately unclear, the year inarguably ended on a sour note.
Could be better. Looks like the world would prefer a president they can respect rather than one they can love.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Who in the world can love a "Scarecrow?"