HolyCoast: GOP Should Run on Repealing Obamacare
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

GOP Should Run on Repealing Obamacare

That's been the recommendation for the Senate special election in Massachusetts, and some GOP activists are encouraging that approach in the 2010 midterms:
In an interview with me just now, Max Pappas, the Vice President for Public Policy of Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks, said that if the bill passes, politicians should call for a full repeal.

“This has an unusual ability to be repealed, and the public is on that side.” he said. “The Republicans are going to have to prove that they are worthy of their votes.”

He emphasized that all the different parts of the bill fit together, and that Congress would need to try to repeal the whole thing…

Newt Gingrich threw down the same gauntlet on “Meet the Press” yesterday when he said, “I suspect that every Republican in 2010 and 2012 will run on an absolute pledge to repeal this bill.”
Chances are whatever finally passes will be such a mess that there won't be much risk in running against it.

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