HolyCoast: We've Got to Win in 2010
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

We've Got to Win in 2010

With the news today that Obamacare is now likely to pass the Senate, the importance of the conservative blogosphere is underscored yet again. The mainstream media won't tell you what's in the Obamacare bill, the cap-and-tax bill, the Porkulus bill, the illegal immigration legislation that's sure to come, and who knows what else the Democrats will try to ram through in 2010. However, conservative websites will keep you informed and will help lead the fight.

For those of you who have supported HolyCoast.com with your donations this week, thank you! You're fewer in number than I would have hoped, but much appreciated. I hope those of you who are regular readers but haven't yet participated will join in. The fundraiser will end on Sunday.

Your contribution to the ongoing effort here would be much appreciated, in whatever amount you're comfortable with. You can use the handy PayPal button below.

Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

On some browsers the buttons don't always direct you to the donation screen. If yours isn't cooperating, you can use this link on PayPal. Just select the "Personal" tab and direct your contribution to CrimsonRvr@aol.com . Thanks!

By the way, you don't have to be a PayPal user to use the donation service. It will work with any credit or debit card.

Reader Sam reminds me that not everyone wants to use PayPal, but some would still like to participate. So, here's an address for you if you prefer old time financial transfers...called checks: Rick Moore, 24622 Zena Court, Mission Viejo, CA 92691.

I appreciate your support.


Anonymous said...

Is our donation private? I don't want a repeat of what happened to the Prop 8 proponents.

My employment could be at stake.

Rick Moore said...

Absolutely private. I'm not a charity that requires public disclosure.