HolyCoast: 58 Dem House Seats in Play
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Monday, January 25, 2010

58 Dem House Seats in Play

And the GOP only needs to hold their own and win 40 of them to take control:
Stuart Rothenberg, a political analyst who follows Congressional races, said a report he will release Monday will count 58 Democratic House seats in play, up from 47 in December. The number of Republican seats in play has held at 14 in that period, he said. And Democrats expect more of their incumbents to retire, which could put additional seats at risk.

Democratic officials said Sunday night that Representative Marion Berry of Arkansas was expected to announce plans to retire Monday, making him the first to quit since the Massachusetts election and opening up another competitive race.

Republicans need a net gain of 40 seats to regain control of the House. That still seems unlikely, though hardly impossible.
And it's gonna get worse as more and more Dems decide to "spend more time with their families".

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