HolyCoast: SEIU: Pass Obamacare Or You'll Need it in November
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Monday, January 25, 2010

SEIU: Pass Obamacare Or You'll Need it in November

The union goons are warning the Democrats that baseball bats and broken knees are in their future if they don't pass Obamacare:
A highly influential labor leader Friday suggested congressional Democrats might not the full support of unions in the upcoming midterm elections should they not pass a full healthcare reform package.

Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern chided House Democrats for contemplating scaled-back healthcare reform in favor of passing the Senate bill through the House.

“It’s gonna be incredibly difficult to stay focused on national politics if by the end of 2010 we have minimal health care and minimal changes on what’s important to our members,” he said in an interview with liberal blogger Greg Sargent.
Stern said the House Democrats' apparent new plan as "fear masquerading as a strategy."

Democrats have struggled to find a new way to pass healthcare reform since voters in Massachusetts picked Scott Brown (R) to be their next senator on Tuesday. Once Brown is seated, he will break the Democrats' 60-seat, filibuster-proof majority.

Stern and Senate Democrats favor passing the Senate bill through the House while the Senate would make fixes to the bill using budget reconciliation procedures.

House Democratic leaders, though, have backed away from the plan because members of the rank-and-file have said they are unable to support it. Many appear to favor passing a number of popular reforms one-by-one.
The unions probably don't want to waste their money on what will likely be a wasted effort to save Democrats in November. This may be their excuse to save their dollars for a better fight.

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