HolyCoast: Brit Hume to Tiger Woods: Dump Buddha
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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Brit Hume to Tiger Woods: Dump Buddha

In so many words:

UPDATE: La Shawn Barber has some thoughts on the video and the predictable liberal backlash.


Unknown said...

I suppose you're posting that video as an affirmation of what you believe in. I think it's a disgraceful slur on the Buddhist faith. Wouldn't it be better if a person were to practice their faith well regardless of what it is?

Rick Moore said...

So, if I'm a Satan worshiper who believes in human sacrifice, as long as I practice it well it's okay?

All belief systems are not alike and there's nothing wrong with expressing a preference for one and pointing out the weaknesses involved in others.

Nightingale said...

Rick's right, all belief systems are NOT alike. Only one leads to salvation.

Jesus said "I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life; NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT by ME.

Other religions might have some nice tenets, but no other religion leads to eternal salvation except Christianity.

Herman said...

Yeah Mike, like letting the Muslims increase their killing of Christians and Jews because that's what they are supposed to do if these people don't convert over to their belief!

LewArcher said...

So now Brit decides to proselytize?
What made him change his mind?