HolyCoast: Brown by 5
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Brown by 5

All the polls are trending the same direction:
The final Public Policy Polling survey in Massachusetts finds Scott Brown (R) leading Martha Coakley (D), 51% to 46%, an advantage that is within the margin of error for the poll.

Key finding: "56% of voters in the state think Brown has made a strong case for why he should be elected while just 41% say the same of Coakley. Even among Coakley's supporters only 73% think she's made the argument for herself, while 94% of Brown's supporters think he has."
This poll was done before Obama came to Massachusetts and gave half-hearted support for Martha Coakley, and before Rep. Patrick Kennedy called her "Marcia" about a dozen times. I don't think we'll see a bump in the polls.

1 comment:

Sam L. said...

I'm shocked, shocked, that a Kennedy wouldn't know the name fo the woman he's with.