HolyCoast: Day 5 of Biblical Rainstorm 2010
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 5 of Biblical Rainstorm 2010

As you can see from the photo below we've certainly had the right flag out front this week, with four days of heavy rainstorms.

Day 4 ended with a bang. We had heavy rain during the morning and early afternoon, followed by a long break and actually saw a little bit of sun. After dark we began to get some showers again, and at 10:30 things got really interesting for a few minutes. Lightning, booming thunder, torrential rain and hail. I took a couple of shots of tropical plants on our upstairs deck that were full of pea-sized hail after a particularly vigorous shower. I had to scoop hail out of the drain to keep the deck from flooding into the house.

We awoke to rain this morning, but things should finally be calming down. More showers and possible thunderstorms could hit us today, but we won't have the several hours of steady rain we've gotten every day this week.

At the beginning of the week the prediction was for 8-10 inches of rain in the area and based on my official rain gauge (the bucket in my backyard), I think we came pretty close.

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