HolyCoast: Dear GOP: I Told You So
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dear GOP: I Told You So

Martha Coakley has conceded. Scott Brown wins.

Back on December 29th I wrote this piece:
National GOP Blowing it In Massachusetts
Bottom line - I thought the GOP was missing a golden opportunity, if not to win in Massachusetts, to at least make it close and force the Dems to spend a bunch of money they didn't think they'd have to spend.

I was right.

The GOP did come in at the 11th hour with $500,000 and good for them, but it would have been nice to see some national support before it became fashionable. Scott Brown was able to capture the state and the country without them.

Live and learn, GOP.


Papab46 said...

The ultimate criticism in politics is when a registered voter of one party votes for the candidate of the other party in an election. I applaud those Kennedy democrats who voted for Scott Brown today. Brother Robert said it best... "The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country." — Robert F. Kennedy

g said...

Seems like some of the leadership of the Republican Party still has their head in the sand when it comes to winning elections. Thankfully, the people were so upset with the way the political machine was running they voted Brown into office against all odds.